Energy saving and emission reducing plan of Beijing ACTION-2024


Energy saving and emission reducing plan of Beijing ACTION

In order to actively respond to Ericsson's 2030 carbon neutral target and further strengthen the company's energy and resource conservation and emission reduction work, the ACTION management has set the target of halving emissions by 2030 on May 20, 2021, and set the plan of 1.5C's climate goals.

Carefully check and verify the energy consumption base in 2020, and reduce the annual energy consumption by 5% on the basis of 2020.

By the end of 2021, the company will save 5% of electricity, 5% of water , 5% of oil, 5% of transportation expenses, and more than 5% of office energy consumption and per capita energy consumption.

Gradually establish organization system, operation mechanism and long-term mechanism of company energy saving emission reduction, which are scientific decision-making, standardized management, system guarantee, clear responsibilities, and effective implementation.

Energy saving emission reduction awareness from employees will increase significantly, which should be the conscious action of everyone.

Energy saving technology, management level and resource utilization will be greatly improved.

By checking the emission sources, the ACTION understands the carbon emission sources and quantities in great detail, and purposefully formulates a series of effective measures, thereby reducing the carbon emissions caused by the production.

data of ACTION energy consumption in 2020:

At present the implementation measures of energy savingemission reduction ongoing in the ACTION are as follows:

In order to ensure the implementation of energy saving&emission reduction, the company has established a relevant leading group.

Group Leader: Ju Haiyang

Deputy Group Leader: Wang Jianghao

Member: Wang Zhao, Yang Xiaoyu, Tian Jie, Cai Jiuchun

Job Description: The main responsibilities are organizing, inspecting and implementing the energy savingemission reduction work of the company, and actively carrying out the relevant work by starting publicity, formulating measures, implementing promotion, inspecting for improvement, consolidating development and so on.

Scope1 reduction plan

Energy saving measures: in addition to the room with insufficient brightness, the office should try to use natural light to reduce the power consumption of lighting equipment. When leaving the office for a long time or off work, the lights should be turned off. Must refuse incandescent lamp and ever-bright lamp. During using the office automation equipment, such as computer, printer and copier, it is necessary to reduce standby consumption as far as possible, and turn off in time when the long period of time not in use, or off work. Accelerate the elimination of high energy consumption and low efficiency office equipment, and priority should be given to use of environmental protection and energy-saving equipment. It is strictly forbidden to use unproductive electrical equipment (electric stove, rice cooker, etc.).

Ultimately, the goal of zero CO2 emissions by 2050 will be achieved.

Scope2 reduction plan

3.1 Water saving measures

Strengthen the awareness of water saving, and popularize the water-saving equipment. Strengthen the daily inspection and maintenance of water supply network and equipment, eliminate the phenomenon of leaking or long running water to save every drop of water. Control the water flow of each faucet, lower the water level of toilet water tank, and reduce the water consumption on the basis of meeting the basic needs. Individuals should develop a good habit of using water, for example, pay attention to control faucet when washing hand, and tighten the faucet.

3.2 Fuel saving measures

reduce the consumption of vehicle fuel, strengthen management, such as detection, maintenance, insurance, scrap, update, energy consumption management. The office shall strengthen the management of the use of official vehicles, strictly implement the approval and registration system, make reasonable arrangements and make overall dispatch. Arrange carpooling as far as possible, reasonably choose trip route of official vehicle, adhere to the principle of one trip with multiple stations and one station with multiple businesses, reduce deadhead kilometres, and advocate centralized riding nearest to improve using efficiency. It is necessary to carry out vehicle fuel saving, maintenance skills training for drivers regularly, in order to standardize the driving operation, continuously improve the level of skills, use vehicles scientifically, and reduce fuel consumption and maintenance costs. Implement the system of no vehicles in holiday: according to the different seasons and the frequency of using vehicles, recovery the surplus vehicles in time, privately using official vehicles is prohibited.

Ultimately, the goal of zero CO2 emissions by 2050 will be achieved.

Scope3 reduction plan

4.1Cost saving

strengthen the management of office expenses and office supplies, establish and standardize the procurement, allocation and apply system of office supplies, strictly control the allocation standard of office supplies, reasonably control the distribution quantity of office supplies, and try to reduce the use of office supplies. The company promotes to repair or reuse old office supplies, extend the using time, and carry out the recycling of used computers, printers, copiers, batteries, lamps and so on. According to the responsibilities and job needs, scientifically formulate the standard of postage, communication and newspaper. Reduce the frequency of using paper printing (copy) and fax , and promote double-sided printing of documents. Strengthen management of office telephone. Make a short time when using telephone for work contact, strictly prohibit to chat with office telephone, reduce telephone expenses and strengthen supervision. Must resolutely put an end to all kinds of extravagance and waste in work.

4.2 Employee training

Carry out publicity and education, enhance the energy-saving awareness of all employees, establish the concept of thrift, develop the good habit of consciously saving energy and resources, and turn it into conscious action.

Ultimately, the goal of zero CO2 emissions by 2050 will be achieved.

Measures for energy savingemission reduction in the future

Widely publicized, enhance the sense of responsibility and consciousness of energy saving&emission reduction

To achieve energy saving and consumption reduction, all staffs should attach great attention, participate widely and form cohesive force. The company should continue to increase education efforts, start from ideological education, closely connect with practice, organize employees to study the policies and the spirit of relevant documents about energy saving and consumption reduction, and educate employees to start now, from themselves, from small things, save even if a kilowatt hour of electricity, a drop of water, a liter of oil, a piece of paper, a pen and a cent, and consciously cultivate the good habit of thrift and cherishing public property, strive to make the sense of saving into the hearts of everyone, and make saving become the conscious action of all staffs.

Strengthen supervision, intensify responsibility, establish evaluation and assessment system

Pay great attention to the work of energy reduction, strengthen the sense of responsibility, and implement the responsibility of energy conservation. The long-term goal of company is that energy conservation and emission reduction. Establish and improve the post responsibility system of resource and energy consumption, and gradually decompose the responsibility of resource and energy conservation to everyone. Strengthen the daily supervision and inspection of energy-saving work, to ensure that all energy-saving measures are in place. The leading group of energy conservation will organize the special inspection and assessment about the completion of energy savingemission reduction targets, and will commend and reward the departments that have achieved the targets and tasks better; criticize the departments that uncomplete targets. And the energy and resource conservation work will be included in the year-end assessment of the Department.
